

What makes a people truly free and where do our rights come from? How can the government give to us what God alone can give, and that which comes directly from Him Who is Sovereign and Who created us? After all, one of America’s founding documents declared that it was...

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If Life Was Like a Movie

If Life Was Like a Movie

  It would be easy if life was like a movie... Not because all movies have a happy ending but because the characters always have a clear goal. They have to, the writers have intended it to be that way. They have a goal and they have obstacles, and we as the...

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The Devil’s in the Details

The Devil’s in the Details

I don’t think that Satan shoes matter much.   Why do we look at things like Satan shoes with such outrage, like its the cause of America’s moral bankruptcy? Are we really so naive? We see the fruit of culture and peg it as the problem, when we should look more closely...

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Featured Quote

“Knowledge may be Power, but Truth is Freedom.”